Tantra Attitude

Tantric & Taoist massages in Toulouse

Tantric & Taoist massages Toulouse

Tantra Attitude massage menu

Booking conditions & rates

  • If this is your 1st appointment with TANTRA ATTITUDE,

A deposit is required to confirm the appointment. In the event of cancellation, the deposit will be refunded.

  • How to pay the deposit

Via the Kiute platform or instant transfer by telephone

(see Make an appointment)

* This guarantee is above all a safety guarantee, all negotiations are inadmissible.. Thank you for your understanding

Tantric and Taoist massages

Table/Futon massages

  • 1-hour massage : €130/€150 
  • Massage 1 hour 15: €150/€170  
  • Massage 1 hour 30: €170/€200  
  • 2-hour massage: €250 on futon only

- Allow an extra 30 minutes per session (social time, shower, integration time).

- Each massage includes a short lingam or yoni massage (only if you wish, nothing is imposed). 

- Table massages are not naturist. Only you will be naked during the massage.

- The futon massages are naturist, but I keep my stockings on.

- The balance of my service is to be paid at the beginning of the session in cash or by credit card via SUMUP.

Special massages

Specific massage for men

  • 1-hour Taoist lingam massage (on table): €130 (includes a 15-minute lingam massage)
  • Taoist lingam massage 1 hour 15 (table/futon & table): 150€/160€ (includes 15 min lingam massage)
  • Taoist lingam massage 1 hour 30 (table/futon & table): 170€/180€(includes 30 min lingam massage)

*If you opt for a futon and table massage, the body will be massaged on the futon and the lingam on the table. 

Specific massage for women: Opening up to pleasure

  • L'Ouverture au plaisir 1 hour (on futon) : 130€ (includes a short external yoni massage if desired)
  • L'Ouverture au plaisir 1 hour 15 (on futon): 150€ (includes 15 minutes of external yoni massage if desired only).

Taoist lingam massage

This massage is for gentlemen who want to last longer, reprogram their sexual DNA and fully become the sexual beings they really are.
In a Taoist massage, you are in control of your body, and ejaculation is a personal bodily reaction. I will not actively participate in your ejaculation, it will only be under your control.

Opening to pleasure" massage

A wonderful massage to awaken the erogenous zones all over the body.
Erotic and emotional fulfillment for women.
This massage offers a nourishing accompaniment for opening up to pleasure.

There are many secrets in our bodies, and it's wonderful to explore and reveal them.

You wish to contact me.

If you would like further informationI'd be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

Please respect the rules of politeness and ensure that the answers to your questions do not appear on the site.

- Don't be on first-name terms.
- Don't try to negotiate my terms.

Contact by phone

The questions asked by telephone were limited to, and I quote:

- is there a finishing touch?
- are the massages naturist?
- what are the rates?
- what are your services?
- can we touch the masseuse?
- I don't want to pay the deposit, can I pay everything on the spot...

I don't answer the phone, nor do I interrogate my voice mail.

Contact by SMS and e-mail

I will gladly answer your SMS or e-mail if it is respectful and does not include the questions above.
All questions answered on the site will be ignored.

Finally, if my schedule permits and if you pay the deposit required for any reservation, I can of course welcome you on the same day.

Tantra Attitude

Avenue Saint-Exupéry
31400 Toulouse

Tantric massage video clip by Tantra Attitude


Practical information


Tantra Attitude

Avenue Saint-Exupéry
31400 Toulouse


Online appointments only

Opening hours

Monday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Tuesday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Wednesday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Thursday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Friday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10:30 am - 6 pm
Sunday Closed

To know more

You can shower before and after the massage.

  • Shower
  • Toilets

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