Tantra Attitude

Lingam & Yoni massage training online

Online training in lingam and yoni massage

Discover the secrets of inspiring, intimate and sexual touch...

Discover 27 lingam massage techniques and 27 yoni massage techniques in these step-by-step courses, filmed with real models.

Daring training courses indeed, but massages that have their place in tantric massage.

These courses are an opportunity to explore and discover new ways to enjoy yourself, all in the comfort of your own home.

"Discover the secrets of tantric lovers, and give your partner more pleasure."

About Lingam and yoni massages...

Lingam massage online training

Lingam massage

Lingam massage can be deeply emotional and healing. It will allow your partner to experience a whole new level of pleasure.

The beauty of lingam massage lies in the fact that the pleasure is as much on the giver's side as on the receiver's.

This training course is an opportunity to discover what your partner really likes, while helping him develop his orgasmic potential.

Thanks to this training, you will teach your partner to control his arousal and last longer.

Discover the secrets of tantric lovers, and give your partner more pleasure.

In these videos, I verbally guide you through 27 lingam massage techniques, which you can freely try out with your partner whenever you like.

Online yoni massage training

Yoni massage

The yoni massage is a way of honoring your partner and giving her a gift of intimacy and beauty.

It's an experience of deep pleasure, intimacy and connection.

This training is an opportunity for your partner to rediscover feminine pleasure, bliss and orgasmic power.

Revive her libido with this unique massage and give her longer, more intense orgasms.

It's time for women to feel sexy in their own skin and awaken their inner goddess.

Heal your emotional wounds and become sensual, vibrant and powerful through your sexuality.

In these videos, I verbally guide you through 27 yoni massage techniques, which you can freely try out with your partner whenever you like.

Contents of the Lingam and Yoni massage training course

This training includes :

+ More than 60 downloadable video demonstrations with unlimited access!


Lingam massage :

  • Stem massage techniques,
  • Different techniques for massaging the glans,
  • Scrotal massage techniques,
  • An update on ejaculation,
  • Mistakes and automatisms to avoid.


 Yoni massage :

  • The different ways of massaging the vulva,
  • Clitoral stimulation techniques,
  • Learn to enter the yoni with full awareness,
  • Locate the g-spot and learn how to release it,
  • Mistakes and automatisms to avoid.

"Step-by-step learning

- You can follow exactly what I do on my model, and reproduce the gesture on your partner.
- And, of course, unlimited access to the course
- You can download the videos to your PC."


Lingam massage training


Lingam & Yoni massage training


Yoni massage training


Site design and referencing by Simplébo
